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22 Services Found (filtered)

The British Pregnancy Advisory Service (BPAS) offers information, treatment and support to women and men in relation to: unplanned pregnancy pregnancy testing abortion contraception, including emergency contraception (such as the…

Sheffield Mind
item category:Bereavement

Sheffield Mind offers a number of different services across the city for people who are experiencing mental health problems as well as for the carers supporting them.

Crystal Peaks Bereavement Drop-in
item category:Bereavement

Crystal Peaks Bereavement Drop-in provides a regular weekly drop-in support group.

Lullaby Trust
item category:Bereavement

The Lullaby Trust provides specialist support for bereaved families, promotes advice on safer baby sleep and raises awareness on sudden infant death.

Support After Murder and Manslaughter (SAMM) is a national charity that offers emotional support to those who are bereaved through murder and manslaughter.

Age Better Sheffield
item category:Bereavement

Age Better in Sheffield is an investment programme funded by The National Lottery Community Fund and led by South Yorkshire Housing Association.

The Compassionate Friends
item category:Bereavement

The Compassionate Friends (TCF) is an organisation of bereaved parents offering support, understanding and friendship to others after the loss of a child, of any age, from any cause.

Samaritans Sheffield
item category:Bereavement

The Samaritans are a helpline available 24-hours a day, 365 days a year to provide emotional support for people who are experiencing feelings of distress or despair, including those who…

Mind (national)
item category:Bereavement

Mind is a national mental health charity providing advice and support to anyone experiencing mental health problems.

Cruse Bereavement Care
item category:Bereavement

Cruse Bereavement Care provides support to people who have been bereaved.