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8 Activities Found (filtered)

future date event 2
item category:Conference

Nurturing Mental Well-being is Maan’s AGM and Annual Conference which aims to help Somali people to explore different types of help and support that is available locally.

How do you define yourself and your mental health?

This is a free Sheffield Flourish event that is part of the Festival of Debate.

This free event is being hosted by Sheffield Flourish and Sheffield Health and Social Care and is an opportunity to help us to develop a new project, an Education Exchange….

This is a conference organised by Adira, Sheffield Flourish and Sheffield Mind.

Compassion Conference 2018 – SHSC
item category:Conference

The Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Compassion Conference is an annual event that has previously been for SHSC staff.

Sheffield Diocese are having a Mental Health Awareness Day that is being produced and delivered by people with lived experience of mental health issues.